Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition should really be called Poly-follicular syndrome as the “cysts” are not actually cysts but follicles (i.e. very small) in this condition. It is associated with infrequent or absent periods, unwanted hair growth (hirsuitism), hair loss (alopecia), acne, difficulty with weight loss (not always) and subfertility (difficulty getting pregnant). It is due to insulin resistance – the body’s lack of proper response to insulin which leads to hormonal imbalance with an excess of male-type hormones. It is diagnosed if you have two out of three of the following
• Blood tests which support the diagnosis or significant hair growth
• USS features of ≥20 follicles in one or both ovaries
• Few or no periods – you should have at least 4 per year to keep the womb lining healthy unless you are taking hormones that thin the womb lining.
Olivia can fully investigate you for this condition if you think you may have it and discuss with you how best to manage it. She will also discuss the long-term implications of the condition.
Female pattern hair loss and acne alone (without hirsutism) are relatively is unlikely to be PCOS. Polycystic ovaries do not have to be seen to make the diagnosis, and the finding of polycystic ovaries does not mean you have the syndrome especially in the first 8 years after your periods started.