Occasionally women may start having abnormal bleeding such as
- intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between periods)
- postcoital bleeding (bleeding after sex)
- postmenopausal bleeding (bleeding after the menopause) when periods should have stopped altogether.
You will very likely be anxious if this is happening to you, as it could be a sign that you have pre-cancerous changes or cancer and will want to be reassured as soon as possible that all is well. For the majority of women there is another, benign cause for the bleeding. In order to fully assess the bleeding some of the following investigations may be necessary:
• Speculum examination
• Pipelle endometrial biopsy
• Vaginal swabs for infections
• Cervical smear or biopsy
• Ultrasound scan
• Hysteroscopy to identify and treat the cause of the unexpected bleeding
Olivia is an expert at assessment and management of these conditions and can rapidly assess and fully investigate you with most tests being performed or organised at your first appointment.